Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rochester Area Economic Development Initiative, Inc Quarterly Report

For Rochester, MN business owners, business professionals, lawyers, accountants, etc, this is will serve as a useful post re the Rochester Area Economic Development Initiative, Inc. 

The Rochester Area Economic Development Initiative, Inc ("RAEDI") describes its purpose as follows:  

To attract, retain and assist the growth/expansion of base business within the Rochester Area. RAEDI's value proposition is the ability to assist businesses and entrepreneurs in securing the private and/or public resources needed to execute their business plans.

Financial Packaging
- Direct Investment Funding
- Fixed Asset Financing
- Export Financing
Business Planning 
- Cost Differential Comparisons
- Market Research & Analysis
- Community Data/Profiles
Site/Location Support 
- Provide Objective information on Sites, Facilities and Access to Support Services
- Develop Comparative Site Data
Business/Community Advocacy 
- Identify and Present Business Interests and Concerns to Government
- Support Area Social, Economic and Infrastructure Development

Source: raedi.org

HERE, you can find their quarterly report for the fourth quarter of 2010. The report details information including employment and unemployment data, home sales, goods produced, Rochester airport traffic, good and services produced, and building activity.

Dunlap & Seeger, P.A. is an investor in RAEDI. 

P.S.  This is still a Rochester food blog and we'll have some more food blog posts regarding Rochester cuisine coming your way soon!